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Be entrepreneurial

Mazamo designs, prepares and delivers workshop and coaching packages to help you and your team gain the knowledge and skills you need to be enterprising. These are for both team members and team leaders alike.


We create bespoke courses and workshops and offer individual, group and/or team coaching to suit your needs and the requirements of your organisation.

These are run either online or in-person (or both).

All workshops will involve an experiential learning approach and are run in n one or two day formats. A selection of workshops run by Mazamo include:

Image by ThisisEngineering RAEng

Build your entrepreneurial skills

The workshop develops your entrepreneurial skills and knowledge. It will help you to explore value creation.


The workshop will help participants to:


  • realise their enterprise skills

  • generate enterprising ideas using the business model canvas

  • identify the stakeholders they need to work with to move the idea forward.

Meeting Room Business

Starting an enterprise

The workshop will help participants to:


  • pull together and build a co-founding team and produce a plan to grow the company; 

  • understand what is needed in key areas such as project management and intellectual property; and 

  • develop negotiation and influencing skills.

Business Meeting in Restaurant

Generating and communicating your enterprise idea

This workshop will give you an insight into generating an idea and communicating it to others.


In this workshop, participants will explore how to:


  • develop ideas that create value and make a difference to others

  • set goals to progress your enterprising activity

  • pitch effectively to a chosen audience.

Enquire now and explore how we can support you in delivering courses and learning packages in your organisation.

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